PDALib update? Having to use old OS version

Moderator: Steve

PDALib update? Having to use old OS version

Postby alanmcdonley » Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:08 pm

I fired up my old Pi Droid Alpha board tonight with old (2017) version of Stretch. The SPI seemed to be working enough to read the MCP32SP08 chip ok.

THEN I got a hair brained idea to update the OS and kernal - BAD IDEA apparently as the A2D voltages all come out as 0.0 now.

Anybody else reporting this?

After reverting the sdCard to the old backup, the ADC is working correctly again.

I'm investigating switching to lithium 3S1P as a robot power source, and need to monitor the battery voltage with realistic loading. I need to determine if it is possible and am also afraid of Li batteries, totally.

Currently my GoPiGo3 / RPi 3B robot runs 24/7 with a set of eight NiMH AA cells, about 3 hours charge followed by 6-7 hours "playtime".

BUT each US$16 set of eight is only lasting about 200 cycles (two to three months) before the "do absolutely nothing" playtime degrades to 1-3 hours.

Designing a working power system is a real challenge.
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